Shipping and payment
Shipping and payment within Ukraine
Delivery across Ukraine is carried out by the carrier NOVA POSHTA. If the purchase price exceeds UAH 1,200 for jewelry and UAH 2,000 for decorative items, then delivery to the NP branch is free.
The goods are shipped after 100% prepayment to the details of Privatbank.
If you are not satisfied with the proposed delivery and payment option, contact me by phone. +38-050-999-89-39, we will definitely find an option that suits you )).

International Shipping and Payment *
International Shipping is carried out by the carrier UkrPoshta. The delivery time in wartime is 35-45 days (possible delays) depending on the country. Delivery is paid by the customer additionally at the rates of the carrier company.
The goods are shipped after 100% prepayment.
Payment can be made to the details of Privatbank or to a PayPal account. The details are provided when the order is agreed. To order, write to , or WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +38-050-999-89-39
* except Russia and Belarus